About the Journal

ISSN: 1860-2037
Editor-in-Chief: Jens Herder
Established: 2004
Current Volume: 18.2024
Language: English
Peer-Review: Blind Peer-Review
Form of Publication: Open Access

The “Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting” is an open access E-journal covering advanced media technology for the integration of human computer interaction and modern information systems.

What makes the subject area covered by JVRB distinct is that it includes basic technologies such as Displays, Tracking and Computer Graphics. Synergies between virtual environments and broadcasting techniques will become feasible and future developments will eventually cause these two application fields to merge - a trend which is already observable in applications like Interactive Broadcasting.

Included topics are:

  • Media technology
  • Human factors, human machine interfaces
  • Computer graphics
  • Image technology
  • Tracking, sensors
  • Interactive broadcasting
  • Virtual set environments
  • Augmented reality
  • Haptic interfaces, new interfaces

The main goals are to publish research results in the field of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, to provoke discussions, and to promote the exchange of ideas and information. Developments in the area have a direct effect on society, therefore social aspects will also be considered. As an interdisciplinary field Virtual Reality requires multilateral collaboration in order to enable new applications.


  1. The two areas of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting will merge in the future and will come to define an altogether new media which will eventually replace both traditional television and present-day computer usage.
  2. Using an open access licence for publishing scientific articles greatly promotes the right of free knowledge access. It aids in establishing an exchange platform for an international scientific community. The concept of open access is clearly expressed in the Berlin Declaration.

The Journal has been established in 2004 supported by the state of NRW, Germany.

Article Submission

JVRB currently accepts submissions via the Journal Website.

Use a common open file format like pdf. If your article contains special matter, like graphics or other material which is not embedded in the main body text, you may add additonal files.


JVRB publishes articles consecutively and in electronic form only based on an open access licence. All submissions are peer-reviewed in a strict review process by at least three independent experts from the appropriate field of research to ensure a high quality level. The articles are organized in one volume per year. 


Currently, the submission and publication of articles is free of charge. No author fees are applied.